DCA Membership

The DCA has been formed to promote community participation, encourage preservation and improvement of Dirleton and act as a voice for the residents of the wider community of Dirleton and area.

The DCA would like to invite all Dirleton village and area residents, private or business and anyone who has an interest in the Dirleton area, to become a member of the newly formed DCA.  In order to comply with the constitution of the DCA (as defined by the SCIO1 charter) we need to formally record the details of members of the Association.

By becoming a member, you can show your support for the DCA and other community bodies and associations.  We encourage as many people in the community as possible to visit the web site and sign up as soon as you can.

Please click on the appropriate link for a membership application form:

Ordinary Membership

Associate Membership for Individuals

Associate Membership for groups (businesses, charities, agencies)

For enquiries about Junior membership please send an email to dca-membership@dirletonvillage.org

More information about membership can be seen in the links below:

Membership Categories

Membership Categories

The DCA has three categories of membership:

  • Ordinary Membership
  • Associate Membership
  • Junior Membership

Ordinary Membership

This is defined as a person aged 16 or over who:

  1. is resident in the community (the village of Dirleton and the settlements of Archerfield, Fenton Barns and Ferrygate Farm and Cottages) and;
  2. Supports the purposes of the DCA.

Ordinary members have voting rights at meetings and are allowed to stand for positions of the DCA.

Associate Membership

This is defined as a person (16+) or a group1 (commercial, charity, governmental) who:

  1. does not live in the community (the village of Dirleton and the settlements of Archerfield, Fenton Barns and Ferrygate Farm and Cottages) and
  2. Supports the purposes of the DCA.

Associate members do not have voting rights at meetings and cannot stand for positions of the DCA.

Junior Membership

This is defined as a person who is aged between 12 and 15 who:

  1. Support the purposes of the DCA.

Junior members must have parental/guardianship permission to join.

Junior members do not have voting rights at meetings and cannot stand for positions of the DCA.


  1. Groups

We would like to involve local groups as much as possible to contribute to the discussion of the community going forward.

Typically, groups will be businesses local to the community, agencies who provide service into the community or charities working in the community etc.

Groups can register for associate membership by specifying a point of contact on the membership form.  Other persons from those groups may sign up to the village mailing list in order to receive information.

Membership Governance

Membership Governance

The DCA has been formed under the Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation rules.  This places several obligations placed on the DCA with respect to membership.  In brief these are:

  • All persons/groups who wish to become members of the DCA must submit a written application for membership (Web/Email/Paper).
  • Confirmation of details (re-registration) should take place on a regular basis to ensure accuracy of data held.
  • A register of members shall be held by the DCA comprising of (but not limited to) Full name, address, email address and date of joining.
  • For businesses, charities, agencies the register must additionally contain the organisation name, principle contact name and email, charity/company number (as applicable).
  • Records will be kept in full for the duration of a membership.
  • Upon cessation of a membership a trimmed down record of Name and cessation date shall be kept for a period of 6 years.

The DCA will also like to hold a contact telephone number (landline or mobile).

Any questions about DCA membership and/or governance may be directed to:


General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

The records shall be kept and operated within the provisions of the GDPR as it applies within Scotland and the UK.

Any questions about membership and GDPR may be directed to GDPR@dirletonvillage.org


1 – SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation) – follow link for more information.