What is this website?
It is the official site of the Village of Dirleton, East Lothian, Scotland.
Our website address is: https://dirletonvillage.org.
The Webmaster may be contacted via email at webmaster@dirletonvillage.org
Commitment to Privacy
We are committed to keeping the personal details of users of the site safe. This policy explains how and why we use such data to ensure you remain informed and in control of that information. We operate within the provisions set out in the General Data Protection Regulations as they apply to Scotland and the UK.
Any GDPR enquiries may be directed to GDPR@dirletonvillage.org
What personal data we collect and why we collect it
The site is designed to collect as little data as required for operation:
- Contact Form Details
- Including, but not limited to, forename, lastname, email address, simple message in a contact form.
- This data is held on the website during filling out the contact form and then only for the duration of the user session and is purged on exit.
- This is for the user to pass comments, information and questions to the DCA, DGN, F&G or DART teams.
- Membership Records
- Fields collected: Name, Email Address, Address details, Phone Number, Origin status, Business name (if applicable)
- Records are kept to allow the DCA to administer the membership function.
Whilst we do not allow direct upload of images, we do encourage site users to provide relevant images for the website. We request that users delete all EXIF/IPTC information that may identify individuals. We will pass all images through a filter and only publish Title and Copyright EXIF/IPTC information.
The site uses some Session cookies for operational reasons and some persistance cookies to show user preferences – see the Cookies section for full information.
Who we share your data with
Any data will remain within the Committees and agents of the DCA, DGN,F&G or DART as appropriate and will not be passed to any other person without your express permission (except where legal or security purposes require us to pass that data to an appropriate agency).
How long we retain your data
All Session Data is erased on session close.
See the Cookies section for retention times of the persistance cookies.
If you have filled out the contact form then those details will be kept by the DCA, DGN,F&G only for as long as is necessary to deal with the contact content. Archiving of content is not performed and no data is kept on the website.
What rights you have over your data
You can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.