Dirleton Good Neighbours

Wishing you all a very Happy 2025

Dirleton Good Neighbours (DGN)
DGN was launched at the beginning of September 2017. Being a constituted group the aim is to increase the number of social opportunities within the Village. Activities link to the DGN aims of healthy, active and connected. Over the years DGN have subsidised exercise classes, organised a book club, a cycling group and encouraged intergeneration activities.
Since 2022 DGN have concentrated on their monthly Lunch Hub which welcomes residents and friends to the Kirk hall the 1ST Wednesday of every month (12-2pm). Offering delicious homemade soups, breads and cakes all made by DGN’s wonderful volunteers.
In July 2022, DGN hosted an afternoon tea on the lower green to celebrate the Queens Jubilee and at Christmas organised the lighting of the Christmas Tree with carol singing and refreshments.
In October 2023 DGN plan to support Dirleton Playgroup’s Harvest Festival Market
All proceeds from the Lunch Hub are being reinvested in community activities.
As we a community group DGN rely on volunteers. If you would like to get involved please get in touch.
Click on the links below for further details:
Dirleton Monthly Lunch Hub
The Constitution of Dirleton Good Neighbours
Environmental Health approval of Dirleton Lunch Hub
Dirleton Good Neighbours Privacy Policy
Dirleton Good Neighbours Child & Vulnerable Adult Policy
Contact details:
Email: dgn@dirletonvillage.org
Phone: Janice MacLeod , Coordinator 01620 850 509