Starting this coming Monday in the Kirk Hall a new activity – Qi Gong.
Qi Gong is a low-impact form of exercise which increases your energy and reduces your stress.
Qi (pronounced “Chi”) is energy, your own energy, your life force, and Gong means work or skill. Qi Gong is becoming skilful at managing your own energy – the good and the bad. Qi Gong engages both your mind and your body and can enrich your overall wellbeing.
The first half of the class focuses on breath work and stretching, while the second half centres on low-impact, slow-motion, relaxing, fluid movement sequences (often called “the flow”). All the moves are performed standing and are suitable for every age and every level of physical fitness and flexibility. You do not need any special equipment or specific clothing to perform Qi Gong. All you need for a Qi Gong class is a (long sleeve) t-shirt or sweatshirt and track pants or leggings.
The cost for the one hour class is £12.00
Bookings and payment need to be made via the website Qi Gong Booking Website
Look at the attached Flyer for further information.