Click on the titles below for specific links in the councils:
The following are Dirleton’s representatives at the different levels of government. Their contact details are given below. Surgery times may be liable to change, so it is worth checking before making a visit.
Parliamentary Candidates
Kenny MacAskill, MP for East Lothian
House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Facebook and Twitter: @KennyMacAskill
Iain Gray, MSP for East Lothian
Scottish Parliament website:
Scottish Labour website:
phone: 01875 616610
constituency office: c/o East Lothian Labour Party, 65 High Street, Tranent EH33 1LN
Nearest surgery: St Andrew Blackadder Church, North Berwick. Second Friday of each month 2 – 2.30 (excluding July)
Local Councillors
Jeremy Findaly (Scottish Conservative)
John Muir House
Brewery Park
East Lothian
EH41 3HA
Tel: 01620 827116 / 07834 337604
Jim Goodfellow (Scottish Labour)
John Muir House
Brewery Park
East Lothian
EH41 3HA
Tel: 01620 827819 / 07718 669396
Jane Henderson (Scottish Conservative)
John Muir House
Brewery Park
East Lothian
EH41 3HA
Tel: 01620 827968
East Lothian Council can provide details of Local Councillors’ Surgeries for the current week
phone: 01620 827 827
Dirleton is part of the Gullane Area Community Council, along with Gullane, Aberlady, Drem and the surrounding rural areas.
Dirleton has two village representatives on the Community Council – presently Tom Drysdale, who is Chairman, and David Tait.
The Community Council is an elected non-political organisation. It exists to represent the views and interests of the community to East Lothian Council and other public authorities, such as the police and health authorities, acting as a local pressure group.
Villagers and other members of the public are welcome to attend Community Council meetings, which are held by rotation in Gullane, Aberlady and Dirleton on the last Thursday of each month, except December. Dates of these meetings are listed in the Events Diary. A report is made by the councillors at each meeting of the Dirleton Village Association.
The Community Council has its own website where you can find dates of the meetings throughout the year and minutes of the meetings.
The Community Council has a Local Priority Fund which can provide financial assistance to local projects that benefit our communities. For further details of this scheme see their website.
You can contact the Community Council by email at
East Lothian Council Services and Advices Website :
The North Berwick Coastal Area Partnership provides a forum for local communities to influence decisions and the way services are provided in their area.
The N.B. partnership covers the communities of Aberlady, Gullane, Dirleton, Drem, North Berwick and Whitekirk , bringing together Community Councils, Tenants groups, Parent Councils, Elected Members and representatives from local community groups and networks to identify local priorities.
The Dirleton Village Association has representation on the Partnership and has to date negotiated spend to enhance the public toilets and improvements to local paths on the John Muir Way.
The current Chair of the Partnership is Hilary Smith. Meetings are held 6 times per year and are open to the public. The Partnership also has sub-groups with their own open meetings: Communications, Children & Youth Network, On the Move and Health & Well Being.
Meetings are held approximately every other month and are open to the public. The dates are listed on the East Lothian Council Website.
This local organisation, funded by East Lothian Council, is available to all homeowners or private tenants over 60, or over 50 for those with a disability. Council or Housing Association tenants are not eligible to use the service.
The Small Repairs Service is free for the labour involved, and any materials are charged at their cost price. It is not means tested. The service employs two joiners and an electrician, and is happy to advise and recommend other tradesmen.
The Adaptations and Repairs Service offers free and confidential advice and/or help for larger repairs, maintenance and adapting homes to suit changing needs. If grant aid is needed to fund such work, help and advice with forms and OT assessments can be given. If you do not require a grant or financial help, advice and support with the processes is still available.
Care and Repair has lists of recommended tradepeople and works with the council’s new Trusted Trader scheme.
If you wish to use the scheme but would also like to make a donation for doing so, or would just like to support the service, donations can be made to the East Lothain Care & Repair Charitable Trust. – follow the links below.
phone: 01620 828 445
The East Lothian Trusted Trader Scheme is a joint Council and Trading Standards initiative to help consumers find reputable and reliable local businesses.
Please follow the link to the ELC’s website :
North Berwick Library
School Road, North Berwick EH39 4JU
website: North Berwick Library
phone: 01620 820 700
hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9 – 5
Tuesday & Thursday 9 – 7
Saturday 9.30 – 4
Gullane Library
East Links Road, Gullane EH31 2AF
website: Gullane Library
phone: 01620 842 073
hours: Monday and Tuesday 10 – 1 and 2 – 5
Thursday and Friday 2 – 5
Saturday 10 – 1
Citizens Advice Bureau,
46 Court Street,
Phone: 01620 824 471
Website: Citizen’s Advice Bureau Haddington