Dirleton and Area Local Place Plan

All local  communities in Scotland have been asked to provide a Local Place Plan (LPP) in relation to what the community wish to activate over the next 5-10 years. Following the open afternoon we held in the Kirk Hall on 27th August 2022 we have a good idea of the various issues within the village and surrounding areas which everyone think are important and a summary of those discussions is attached. In order to put together our LPP which will be submitted in May of this year, we are inviting everyone to come along to the Kirk Hall on Saturday 16th March between 1-4pm to have your say.  It is likely that the following subjects will form the major part of our LPP:

  • The derelict village hall
  • Environmental Improvements and access (including cycle/walking paths)
  • Social activities and communications
  • Landscape, climate change action and nature conservation
  • The Castle Inn area road safety options
  • Heritage conservation and Housing

If anyone has additional topics they wish to discuss then please let us know at this planned meeting on 16th March.

Documents below provide more details around what a LPP is and an example of one from another part of Scotland.

Links to documents

Planning Circular 1/2022: Local Place Plans – ELC Document

What is a Local Place Plan Dirleton Document

Summary of the Dirleton Open Discussion Day 27 August 2022


Local Place Plan Poster

Dirleton LPP Consultation Draft-May24

Invitation to Village Meeting 23rd May 2024 at 1930

Amended Local Place Plan (26th May 2024)