DVA SGM to discuss Change to SCIO

Invitation to the SGM:


Dear Member,

Dirleton Village Association (DVA)

Special General Meeting (SGM)

Thursday 12th September 2024

Venue The Castle Inn (Function Room)

Time 7pm

You are warmly invited to attend a meeting to discuss and vote on the DVA converting into a SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation) which will enable it to buy property, as and when required.

The DVA therefore invites all residents of the parish of Dirleton, which includes the surrounding communities of Archerfield, Ferrygate and Fenton Barns, to come to the above meeting.

If you would like to look at this new proposed constitution it is attached and will also be posted on the the village website www.dirletonvillage.org 

For those not on our email system, this invitation will be handed in to all houses and copies of the proposed new constitution available to read in the Castle Inn and the Amalfi Ice Café. 

 Your vote matters – Thank you

Use this Link to download the SCIO Proposed Constitution