Community Association Details

The Dirleton Community Association has charitable status under the  Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005  The charity number is SC053699.

The DCA was established in October 2024 after the Dirleton Village Association was converted into a SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation) under OSCR (The Scottish Charity Regulator). This will enable it to buy property if and when required.

DCA Meetings usually take place on the third Thursday of the month at 7.30 in the Kirk Hall excluding April and July, and alternate Open meetings which everyone in the village is welcome to attend, with meetings of the Committee, which residents may also attend if they wish. If there are important issues to discuss outside these times, additional meetings will be scheduled and announced on the website in the News section.

The DVA used to perform a valuable role in the community and we would encourage you to support the new DCA through membership and/or donations.

To read the Purposes of the new DCA Click Here

For details of the Officers of the Association please Click Here

For an Application Form Click Here